Performance Coaching (for Individuals and Corporation Programs)

Change Formation, LLC offers proven performance improvement solutions tailored for the individual’s unique needs. What distinguishes Change Formation from other companies offering performance coaching and consulting solutions is that we work with the unconscious mind, which is not only the site of all memories and beliefs that both limit and enhance performance, but is a vast reservoir of resources for transformation and change.  Plainly and simply, the unconscious mind is where ‘change’ is formed.  Hence ‘Change Formation.’

People naturally grow and develop throughout their careers. Many people seek performance improvement services to accelerate their process of growth and development, and to secure their footing on the path to reaching their highest potential. Quite frequently, however, employees at all levels of the organization experience stuck points, or thematic patterns of behavior that put ceilings on performance and advancement. In either case, we guide people through a process of transformation and development at a far more accelerated pace than can be accomplished through traditional coaching.

A highly experienced business leader may continue to struggle with public speaking, or a sales person with making cold calls. Or emotions may lead to career limiting behaviors. Sometimes there may be a vague sense that potential is blocked, but a lack of clarity about what is the source of the problem. As one of my clients expressed it, “something is holding me back—from reaching my highest potential—and I want to clear away the blockages.” Change Formation collaborates with the client to co-create the solution state that he or she is seeking, and uses the language of the unconscious mind to guide them to their destination.

In many companies, training is available, which is essential, because people certainly do need to have the soft and technical skills required for their work in order to excel.  But many times having the skills is not enough. Training can fall short of enabling desired transformations when the employee is constrained by a ‘mental map’ of him- or herself and the world that is lodged in the deep inner mind and sabotaging efforts to effectively use training. 

The executive who avoids public speaking, for example, may have been ridiculed by a teacher early in life when giving a presentation; a situation in which he or she was deeply embarrassed. And so what follows is a lifetime of bad experiences with public speaking that only serve to reinforce his or her conviction that public speaking must be avoided at all costs. Change Formation uses hypnosis and other related approaches to heal inner wounds and release people from constraining issues. And when there are little to no constraining issues, all the better, because employees can use our tools to envision success, achieve their highest goals and reach their highest potential.  If you have a favorite sport, you can wonder how many sports stars use hypnosis guided by a hypnotist and self-hypnosis to enhance their performance.  The number is high. 

Whatever propels a person forward or whatever holds them back can be addressed and transformed using Change Formation methodology.  Our process is efficient and can be accomplished through a combination of onsite visits, use of remote technologies, and digital recordings.

Please give us a call (312-399-3464) or email at: