Creativity and Innovation Enhancement

Change Formation provides processes for accessing creative insights from deep within the inner mind (i.e., the unconscious mind) where they always arise from. We follow the natural processes of mind for generating ‘Eureka!’ moments, and enable professionals and employees at all levels to experience them with increasing frequency.

Creative Innovations that are aligned with the needs and wants of customers lies at the heart of business success and longevity. Yet, with so much to attend to each day, employees and executives can get stuck in a mode of executing on routine tasks—many times an overwhelming number of them—and responding to crises. In this mode, they are only leveraging the surface, conscious mind. While the conscious mind is vital and critically important for completion of analytical tasks, communicating with others, and more, it comprises only about 5% of mind. The unconscious part of mind, the well from which intuition and creativity spring forth, comprises the other 95%. You can think of it like an iceberg, where 5% is above the surface of the water and 95% is submerged.

There are specific psychological states that are vital to creativity, where brain waves are slowed down and one has access the vast internal resources of the unconscious mind.  When one is guided into a state of relaxation, he or she can detach, or disconnect from all of the cares of the day and access solutions to problems, product innovation ideas and intuitions that enhance insights derived from big data sets.

Many companies are on the path today to leveraging the largely untapped resource of the deep inner mind for creativity and innovation. Change Formation LLC has the resources and experience to enable you to leverage this distinct competitive advantage too. 

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