Metaphors are Powerful Communication Enhancers

I wonder if you have ascribed to the notion that metaphorical literacy is just for poets and other creative writers. At its most basic level, metaphor involves describing one thing in terms of another, as in, “Oh, my love is like a red, red rose” by Robert Frost.

When you become attentive to metaphor, you can discover that it is everywhere! Markets soar, climb, leap higher, drop off cliffs, surge and bounce back. These frames of reference set expectations at the unconscious level of mind, are persuasive and can lead to erroneous decision making.

Metaphor is an amazingly deep subject that involves setting expectations and influencing decision making with the ‘this is like that’ frame of reference used, many times leveraging natural, human cognitive biases. Hearing about markets climbing, for example, can lead to positive expectancy that the trajectory will continue when logic would tell you that this optimism is unwarranted…leading, for example, to erroneous decision making in buying and selling of stock or purchasing a home.

Conversely, there is MUCH to say about the positive influence and power of metaphoric competency!