Metaphors are Powerful Communication Enhancers

I wonder if you have ascribed to the notion that metaphorical literacy is just for poets and other creative writers. At its most basic level, metaphor involves describing one thing in terms of another, as in, “Oh, my love is like a red, red rose” by Robert Frost.

When you become attentive to metaphor, you can discover that it is everywhere! Markets soar, climb, leap higher, drop off cliffs, surge and bounce back. These frames of reference set expectations at the unconscious level of mind, are persuasive and can lead to erroneous decision making.

Metaphor is an amazingly deep subject that involves setting expectations and influencing decision making with the ‘this is like that’ frame of reference used, many times leveraging natural, human cognitive biases. Hearing about markets climbing, for example, can lead to positive expectancy that the trajectory will continue when logic would tell you that this optimism is unwarranted…leading, for example, to erroneous decision making in buying and selling of stock or purchasing a home.

Conversely, there is MUCH to say about the positive influence and power of metaphoric competency!

The Golden Path from Visualization to Manifestation

Visualization leverages your natural ability to create mental pictures, or mental movies of what you intend to manifest in the world. Whether you are seeking innovative ideas, improved health, prosperity, improved performance or inner peace, for example, your capacity to visualize a clear image or idea of the goal (immersed in positive emotion) will propel you along the path to achieving it.

And when you focus on your goal or intent repeatedly, in this way, giving it ever increasing positive energy, you may be delighted to discover just how quickly your vision becomes a reality in your life

Everyone Can Use Visualization to Accomplish Goals

Many people have heard about the power of visualization to enable them to reach their goals but question their own ability to visualize. It’s critically important not to let this stop you. It is not at all necessary to mentally ‘see’ an image. But as you practice, you will likely get better at seeing images in the mind’s eye.

While some people are naturally more visually oriented, others are more auditory or kinesthetic (touch and feeling oriented). We all use our imaginations constantly and whatever sensory experience you have is just fine. Stay tuned for more posts on how to visualize. It’s a power just waiting to be tapped, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

William Wordsworth Understood the Power of Visualization

In William Wordsworth’s poem, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” he describes a beautiful scene by a lake with daffodils dancing in the breeze; tossing their heads in sprightly dance. In the last stanza (below), he describes revisiting the scene in his mind’s eye and how his mood was immediately uplifted by this imagery.

Would you like to learn more about how to uplift your mood with mental imagery…or bring together seemingly unrelated ideas to create original solutions…or improve performance in some specific area? The power of visualization is right there for you, waiting to be tapped.