Cultivating Excellence in Sales Performance

Businesses rely on the strengths of people.  And sales has its own specific demands related to the confidence, motivation, communication, relationship-building, and business acumen.  Salespeople draw upon a broad spectrum of competencies to bring in the business.  And while business, product and service knowledge, along with experience are critical success factors, a tremendous amount of what top-tier sales professionals bring to the job has to do with personality factors such as self-esteem, innate drive, and emotional balance and strength.

As a professional with deep experience in business and psychotherapy (and, very importantly, hypnotherapy), I can tell you that, just like others from across the spectrum of business functions, salespeople have emotional strengths and weaknesses that both enhance their success and block or constrain it.  Wouldn’t you like to ensure that the blocking and constraining issues are removed and strengths are maximized?

Changeformation services enable you to assess the personal development needs of individual sales people, and to rapidly transformation them for performance improvement.  We can do this because we work not only with the conscious mind, which is the mere tip of the iceberg, but with the deep inner mind—the unconscious mind—where all self-defeating habits, beliefs and vulnerabilities are stored, along with all of the character strengths, abilities and successes that we can leverage and build upon.  We offer proven methods to enable salespeople to maximize and build on their strengths, while eliminating their weaknesses.

The human mind is powerful, and we know how to leverage it’s full breadth and depth for the personal and professional satisfaction of the salesperson and the overall success of the business.  And of course there is a vast array of metrics available today to measure sales performance improvement that, in turn, validate the service offerings of Changeformation. Please contact us for more information:  312-399-3464.