About Us

Welcome to Change Formation LLC, the Mind-Max consulting company that leverages the deep inner mind for performance improvement, market knowledge and innovation.

Companies are extracting more information from data today than ever, and the technology to collect and parse it grows by geometric proportions every year. This is good.

But what about the occasional ‘data point’ that bubbles up from within the mind and body; perhaps an uneasy feeling in the gut that signals, something is just not right about this or that?  Or, what about the ‘Eureka! ‘ moment that occurs when you are ‘mindlessly’ doing a task that you have done hundreds of times before, and a solution bubbles up into conscious mind about how to address a problem? The Eureka! moment may offer a solution to a problem that was identified earlier in the week within a large data set. These are just a couple of indicators of how the inner mind works naturally—listening and communicating through mind and body—and we at Change Formation work with companies to leverage its knowledge, insights and capacity to accelerate desired changes.

Change Formation is all about leveraging the creativity, consumer perceptions and overall vast resources that lie within the deep inner mind, the unconscious mind. The conscious mind and the unconscious mind can work seamlessly together to enable people to reach goals, enhance intuition, and discover inner drivers of behavior, such as purchasing decisions.

While Change Formation works in three core areas—Performance Improvement, Market Research and Enhancing Creativity and Innovation (described in detail under Mind-Max Consulting Services)—services are tailored to the specific needs of clients. We can co-create services with clients—that fall outside of our three core areas—that best meet their unique needs.

Can you imagine all of the ways in which your company can benefit from leveraging the whole mind of employees, both the logical, analytical, linear, planning, conscious mind and the non-linear, creative, resourceful inner mind?

The unconscious mind is a powerhouse of wisdom, information and creativity that your competitors are not likely to be accessing among employees and customers. The unconscious part of mind contains all beliefs that have been developed over a lifetime of inputs, as well as memories, values and emotions that drive work performance, decisions and buying behaviors. And most of the unconscious mind’s content is hidden, even from the individual’s conscious mind. There is a wealth of ‘inner data’ to access to create major upgrades in employee and brand performance, and Change Formation LLC can take you there.